"Adjust for proper timing between fundamental and harmonics."
Since it came from Frank Schroeder, who is widely regarded as a guru in all matters vinyl, this simple statement sounds brilliant and true. Now, will someone please tell me how "timing" is affected by SRA? I thought I knew that timing was the job of the turntable. Perhaps what is meant is that when proper tonal balance is achieved (by optimal adjustment of SRA/VTA) then harmonics are more naturally portrayed, which may give one a sense of better time-dependent relationships. (I don't really even like this, my own, explanation.) But when a guru speaks, the faithful must struggle to understand.
My difficulty understanding Mr. Schroeder's statement (which you all seem to accept as gospel) reminds me of a well worn anecdote about an all-knowing Buddhist monk who lives high in the Himalayas. A group of his acolytes struggle for months through deprivation and hardship, climbing to reach his lair, whereupon they ask him, "Oh great one, please tell us, what is the meaning of life?" His response: "A wet bird never flies at night."