FR64S tonearm overhaul

I just bought a nice Fidelity Research FR64S tonearm off Ebay to have a second vintage arm for my SPUs and maybe a few FR cartridges in the future. The arm is in great condition but still has the original copper wiring.

I am looking to refurbish the arm myself and was thinking about rewiring it with Ikeda silver and a new Cardas DIN plug. Does anyone have experience with the sonics of silver vs. copper wiring in the FR arms? What other things should be replaced and where can I source the parts?
The silver kind are marked as such on the box and on
the armwand near the headshell (with a sticker). Some
'purist' removed this sticker because to them the arm
looks better without. But those can probably be only sold
as copper kind (grin).
Dkarmeli, the silver kind are more expensive.
If anything, leave the internal wiring (and therefore the bearings, etc) alone. Just remove the DIN plug altogether and solder directly to the internal wiring where it meets the DIN plug leads, so as to create a straight shot from headshell to phono input. You can do that without de-constructing the entire tonearm.
It sounds like the consensus is to leave it completely alone. I just thought an overhaul may be in order due to the age of the internal wiring. I have not yet had the chance to listen to it because I will need to make another armboard and riser to mount it to my TW AC3. Looking forward to seeing how it compares to my RMG 309 with the SPU cartridges.
If it's in excellent condition externally, it's unlikely that any significant degradation of the internal wiring has occurred, and if it did, you will soon know it, because the circuit would short itself out if bare wires are touching each other or touching the inner walls of the arm tube. (This assumes that the degradation would involve the insulation; the conductors per se should be ok no matter what, altho naked copper would eventually oxidize. Oxidized copper is not so conductive; oxidized silver is as good as pure silver.)
Nandric described it well.
I had both Arms, silver wired and copper wired. The silver wire can transport 6% more information based on its structure than copper (AES Standard copper in purest=100, Ag=106).
You hear at once a deeper soundstage, a better headroom and the details are bit more precise and present. that wired Arm is a touch closer to a real thing reproduction. Of course I sold the copper wired Arm :-)

Btw. my FR-66s is also silver wired ....