So - I went on an impulsive hunch and ordered a Pro-Ject 5.1SE yesterday. Came with the Blue Point 2 and the carbon fiber arm.
I mean, I researched the heck out of it before I ordered it, so it wasn't just a "oooh - that looks pretty and audiophile-esque)" decision. But I wanted something I could be happy with and build on as needed.
About ten years ago in another life and with a lot more money than now, I had a Meridian/ARC/Maggie system and though I don't know whether I'll get into vinyl enough to warrant laying out that kind of cash again, I did want something beyond a nouveau-hipster tt.
Anyhow, thank you again for all the advice - especially the warnings about the Linn. I actually look forward to learning how to tweak and adjust and fuss with my vinyl components, so in a few years maybe I'll move up to something like that.
Question, though - since the stylus feeds into the cartridge which feeds into wires - doesn't the quality of those thin wires leading back to the IC's really determine the sound quality?