Pro-ject speedbox: Is improvement worth the $ ?

Just bought a Music Hall 2.2LE 'table. Will the addition of a Pro-ject speedbox (whatever model), control the speed SIGNIFICANTLY better than the turntable, or is the main benefit focused on changing speeds from 33 to 45 on the fly?
"About a month ago I decided to get into vinyl for the first time. Since then I've been researching tables, cartridges, accessories, etc. I haven't spun one record yet and already I'm getting the upgrade bug. Started with a budget of less than $500. Today I almost bought a used table that retails for $1,600 new. Oh god."

I thought I was bad. lol. If you haven't even listened to a record yet, you need to stop spending. Get just what you need to play some records and do some listening. The only problem with upgrading now is that you don't know if you're really upgrading. Vinyl is no different than anything else. There's plenty of good stuff out there, but you won't like it all. Just like with speakers and electronics. One thing you'll definitely need to keep in mind, is that if you bought new cartridges, they break in. A lot. More than any other component. Sometimes, new carts sound so bad, you may think its defective. Put at least 50 hours on it before doing any serious listening. 100 is better, but I can tell you won't have the patience to wait that long.
Well said Zd542!
Stop spending and start listening!
Your Slee is far better than any entry level phono preamp usually paired with your current analog set up(2.2LE and 2M Blue) Good! You will get the most out of it.

At one point I was "up there" spending lots of $$$$ with the likes of Linn, Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, JennaLabs, Spendor, etc.

Now I'm back "down to earth" (less money, more synergy) with a system that I love to listen to for hours!!!

There is plenty of great stuff out there at an extremely affordable price. Don't get carried away with the "advertisement syndrome" and trust your ears!

Happy listening!
LOL. Yes, I've been doing this audio thing for a long time. I've been through my share of ups and downs, buying selling, failed equipment etc, so I know what the madness is like.
Regarding the rest of my system, I have no intention whatsoever to change anything. I'm the most content I've been in 20 years. I've wanted to pull the trigger on vinyl for quite some time and I figured what the hell, now's the time.
I've not only purchased some vinyl but have been fortunate enough to have a couple friends (non audiophiles), give me their unwanted LPs, mostly jazz, some classical and other genres.
I just fitted my table with the Ortofon Blue only to find out it's too heavy for the factory counterweight. I just ordered a heavier weight from NeedleDoctor. Whow knows? Maybe this setup will satisfy me for a while....I really wouldn't mind hearing what bumping up to the $1,500-$2,000 range would be like though.
I just picked up the Phoenix PSU mentioned towards the top of the thread for my Nottingham Ace Spacedeck. I set the speed using a Kab strobe, and I am very happy with my purchase. While not a "night and day" difference there is a palpable improvement in all of the typical areas that everyone touts with a stable power supply: bass, PRAT, noise floor, and fine detail retrieval. They do work.