"09-04-14: Jaxwired
My music server and DAC never have this problem. Go figure..."
So what ...
My music server and DAC never have this problem. Go figure..."
So what ...
Help me not let this happen again
Could it be that you just wore it out ? Suspension bushing just gave out ? at 2K hours it surely had mileage. One option you could have considered was to have the suspension replaced, I'd recommend Andy Kim at Needle clinic in WA, he has consistently done a great job on my own carts as well as that of clients. I had a Ortofon MC 70 redone by him a while back for $200, replaced the suspension cleaned the stylus and it was almost as good as new. Just recently I had him replace the stylus on a ZYX R100 which had lost its tip, sounds great. A client of mine had a child accident with a ZYX Diamond Gold which he repaired too. How do you like the 1T compared to the 1S - I'm considering that move myself. Other than "love it" what does it do better ? Good Listening Peter |
Thanks for the responses Peter and Ghosthouse. I have around 1500-2000 hours on it I'm guessing over a 4 year period. I clean it with a Onzow regularly and have never had a mishap (luckily) with the cart. I use a digital microscope or a 10x magnifier to assess stylus cleanliness and wear. I suppose it could be normal wear and tear on the suspension, but I just found it odd to be the horizontal suspension and not the vertical. The stylus is fixed slanted to the right whether playing or static on its armrest. As far as the XV-1t is concerned comparing it to the XV-1s, the XV-1t right out of the box and without any break-in was clearly superior in detail retrieval and sound staging. I have a post on Audioshark. Here's the link: http://audioshark.org/all-things-analog-21/dynavector-xv-1t-vs-xv-1s-5648.html#.VAm4Zksl6_0 |