Upgrade from Rega P3-24 .....

Please take a look at my current updated system's analog front end. I am perhaps considering an upgrade, thinking about the Rega RP6 and the VPI Traveler, with a nicely matching high output MC or MM cartridge. My total budget is around $2000. Would either of these tables be a considerable enough upgrade over my current system to justify a new purchase ? Or would I need to spend more $$$ to really hear an improved sound ? Other thoughts ? I love the way my system sounds now, but may be experiencing a bout of "upgrade fever." I've already taken some aspirin, but the fever won't go away.
I have the cronus magnum. If I were you I would seriously look at a new phono pre. A new cartridge will not be given justice running through the built in phono pre. I really wanted to elimenate the extra phono pre and ran the built in for a little while after getting the cronus, it was okay but not great. When I hooked back up the Bottlehead Seduction I couldn't believe I'd used the built in for so long. In my opinion the built in is one dimensional and grainy, you can do a ton better for not much more money. If I ever have to send the cronus back for anything I will have them bypass the phono so I can free up the input. Also, I ran a Rega P3 for a while and now a p7, it's a nice step up. If you stick with the p3-24 think about upgrading the sub platter as well, it is a nice and noticeable upgrade. Hope this helps!
Hi Adam , If you are still using the same glass platter/plastic sub platter with brass and metal bearing system with your stock P3/24,you should look at the Groove Tracer upgrades!Platter and reference sub platter $450 for both, this will lower the noise floor of the table substantially, and give you a much higher quality bearing system (sapphire & zircon). I lay my records on the acrylic platter directly (no wooly mat..YUK) with a JA Mitchel clamp and there is no VTA spacer needed. I use a Nagaoka MP200 cartridge. And the bottom line is, I would have to spend $5,000 to get better sound. This is an awesome table and won 2 awards from stereophile in the same year. Best analouge source and budget component winner! And the exact2 is tough to beat. I would look at a ortofon 2mblack.
On my original P5 I had an Exact cartridge - I liked it. When Iupgraded to a P7 I added the Dynavector DV20XH - WOW - I was not expecting the improvement I got. A very good HO MC cartridge. I got another WOW moment when I stepped up again with a P9 & Lyra Delos. You have a good foundation with your P3-24. I suggest a cartridge upgrade and a phono stage. Also consider a platter and subplatter upgrade.
Like some other people in thi thread I would urge you to upgrade to a better phono pre amp. YOu have a really nice system now but buying a better TT or cart without upgrading your phono pre would be pointless IMHO.

If I were you I would spend close to all of you budget on a phono pre amp.