Upgrade from Rega P3-24 .....

Please take a look at my current updated system's analog front end. I am perhaps considering an upgrade, thinking about the Rega RP6 and the VPI Traveler, with a nicely matching high output MC or MM cartridge. My total budget is around $2000. Would either of these tables be a considerable enough upgrade over my current system to justify a new purchase ? Or would I need to spend more $$$ to really hear an improved sound ? Other thoughts ? I love the way my system sounds now, but may be experiencing a bout of "upgrade fever." I've already taken some aspirin, but the fever won't go away.
Hi Adam , If you are still using the same glass platter/plastic sub platter with brass and metal bearing system with your stock P3/24,you should look at the Groove Tracer upgrades!Platter and reference sub platter $450 for both, this will lower the noise floor of the table substantially, and give you a much higher quality bearing system (sapphire & zircon). I lay my records on the acrylic platter directly (no wooly mat..YUK) with a JA Mitchel clamp and there is no VTA spacer needed. I use a Nagaoka MP200 cartridge. And the bottom line is, I would have to spend $5,000 to get better sound. This is an awesome table and won 2 awards from stereophile in the same year. Best analouge source and budget component winner! And the exact2 is tough to beat. I would look at a ortofon 2mblack.
On my original P5 I had an Exact cartridge - I liked it. When Iupgraded to a P7 I added the Dynavector DV20XH - WOW - I was not expecting the improvement I got. A very good HO MC cartridge. I got another WOW moment when I stepped up again with a P9 & Lyra Delos. You have a good foundation with your P3-24. I suggest a cartridge upgrade and a phono stage. Also consider a platter and subplatter upgrade.
Like some other people in thi thread I would urge you to upgrade to a better phono pre amp. YOu have a really nice system now but buying a better TT or cart without upgrading your phono pre would be pointless IMHO.

If I were you I would spend close to all of you budget on a phono pre amp.
In this hobby especially vinyl playback its so easy to get captivated by other turntables that you do not own but may like. It's easy as turntables demonstrate visual character that other components often do not. Turntables see among the widest range in pricing from new tables costs $100 or so up to models into the high five figure and even six figure range. Many of these are visual and engineering delights.

I have found my almost always wanting for ever new models has been strong at times. It's so easy to spend one's money in your own mind. But thankfully for me I stand back and let the urge pass. Not always as I have bought a few (5 since 2003, none too expensive though) turntables since getting back into vinyl over 10 years ago. But today I've come to settle with my Rega P3-24. Its sitting on a doubled up granite slab system with both spikes and cut down hockey pucks adding much damping from floor made vibrations. This has improved the solidity of sound the Rega gives. I have a Denon DL-110 on it all running through my Cambridge Audio 640p phono preamp. The RB301 is a great all around tone arm that gives the user full confidence. However I made a change as I am amassing more mono LP's and wanted to be able to run a hot swap of cartridges between my stereo and mono cartridges. I chose to go with the Jelco SA-370H as it's a nice arm and has the detachable head shell. Mounted with full Rega specs as a drop in to the P3-24 and ta da it's up and running. The Jelco is an impressive arm and I have not yet tried the oil damping. Maybe I will maybe wont. But it's a superb arm and the fidelity I get from it with my DL-110 is truly impressive to my ears. I'm all too happy with my P3-24 and have little urge to switch it out. Oh one day I likely will but really my set up here really pleases me. Now that I can easily hot swap cartridges I may invest in other cartridge choices to enjoy each cartridges flavour of sound.

I may also now switch from coveting another turntable and save to buy a better phono preamp, not that the 640p is not a stellar unit give its price.