I am not wont to gush over audio components or cables. I have been involved in audiomania too long and have seen too many stars of today evaporate the next week. But I do have to gush about a PC I just bought new for full price -- the LessLoss DFPC Reference. I have no relationship whatsoever with LessLoss, other than having owned the original DFPC and then a few Sigs.
20 minutes out of the box, connected to my preamp, and I am very impressed -- and after some 40 years as an audiophile, I do not impress easily. More to follow after I experiment with different sources and longer burn-in, but there is an IMMEDIATELY audible sense of greater quietude, more natural and "present" voices, and greater, more organic instrumental detail. And the LessLoss Ref cord replaced one of the stars in the PC firmament, which lists for 2.5x the price. This could be a game changer. I thought the DFPC Signature was a great PC, but the Ref is an entirely new dimension. It is also a physically beautiful cord, and aesthetics count. Kudos to Louis Motek., the designer, who also is a perfect gentleman to deal with.
For $1,824, I feel a bit larcenous! I need to calm down.
I have compared it to Nordost Valhalla, Elrod Statement and 2S, LessLoss Sig, an Audience cord whose model # I am not sure of, and Kimber PK10 Palladian.
The sound is smoother (with no loss of detail) and more natural, with more burn-in. In fact, even on analog FM (on a modded Sansui TU 9900), I am hearing instruments on familiar songs, that I had not noticed before. This really is a nice experience.
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