Glass Ceilings are an interesting topic in general in this hobby.
Just how good can anything sound in given room? Its a fair question.
My suspicion is that what determines the absolute sound in home playback at this point is 98% subjective and 2% technical/objective.
Absolute sounds abound elsewhere all around us, but the biggest technical limit for home playback is probably the quality and nature of the recording.
Plus nothing stays exactly the same over time, including us and our perceptions day to day, so what sounds like the glass ceiling one day may very well not the next.
IF you are enjoying most all of your music most all of the time, then I would say you are practically in a very good place.
If you've been at it for awhile and not the case, then maybe try some digital audio streaming off even a half decent computer and some good headphones or earbuds (not the cheap stuff that comes with most devices). There is a lot less that can go wrong there as a start!