Need help RCA Interconnects but new Balanced Gear

Please I could really use some ideas and opinions please. I have really nice RCA Interconnects that I love (2 sets - DAC to Pre and Pre to Amp) but my new my new components offer XLR Balanced operation. I have the ability to use the RCA option that I am doing now on them but my pre is fully deferential balanced and is made to be used in balanced and they say it works much - much - much better in XLR Balanced mode. I love my RCA interconnects and they are the best I have ever owned. Darwin Ascension RCA's which are incredible but the XLR Version is $800 a pair and I just can't afford to just buy the XLR versions. My question is could I buy XLR adaptors to use on each end of my RCA cables and make them into a poor mans XLR
balanced versions and gain the sonic benefits of XLR balanced operation and stick with my beloved RCA Darwin cables less the sonic trade off loss caused by the XLR adaptors of course or will there be no benefit because there is more to XLR balanced operation from the cable standpoint than just the terminations and would I just be spinning my wheels . Is it worth it to try from a technical standpoint do you think? I just don't know enough about it and google didn't help me. My equipment is Ayre QB-9 DAC and my new pre is a JE Audio VL19 Balanced Pre using the 6h30pi super tube and my amps are Manley Snapper Monos and my Speakers not that they matter here are Martinlogan Spire. Please an feedback will be really appreciated please because I am not sure what to do and don't want to waste money until I know a little bit more info. Thanks very much for the time this will really help me :)
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
If you decide to go with the adapters, let me know, I have 2 brand new Cardas adapters I may need to sell.
There are some high end interconnect cables that differ between XLR and RCA versions only by virtue of the connectors that are used. In those cases the cable usually contains two conductors that are symmetrically placed within a shield, with one of those conductors serving as the return (ground) conductor in the RCA configuration. I suspect that in most of those cases the shield (if present) is just connected at one end in the RCA version (there are technical reasons for that, in cases where the shield is not serving as the return conductor), and at both ends in the XLR version.

Looking at the photos provided at the Darwin site, my guess is that is not the case with your particular cables, and the wires used for the two versions are different, but I can't tell conclusively. So it might be worth checking with Darwin to see if it would be possible, and make sense technically, for them to reterminate your existing cables with XLR connectors.

Also, I would particularly emphasize this point which Dave made in his post:
It is possible that a lower-priced XLR cable would sound as good or better than a more expensive single ended cable with your differentially balanced equipment.
I would not assume that the sonic attributes you have found to be preferable with the RCA-version Darwin cables as used with your previous components, relative to other cables you may have tried, would occur similarly with XLR-version Darwin cables with your new components. Even if the components were the same (which apparently they are not in this case), balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA interconnections operate on different principles, and involve interface circuitry in the components that are being connected that is not the same.

If you would prefer not to make your own cables, as Elizabeth suggested, you might want to consider trying relatively inexpensive Mogami Gold Studio. It is the interconnect cable of choice in pro audio applications, and if you research past threads here at Audiogon you'll find a number of audiophiles reporting its performance as being comparable to or exceeding that of much more expensive audiophile-oriented cables in their systems. Although as might be expected that finding is not unanimous.

Good luck as you proceed. Regards,
-- Al
I use Mogami 25' balanced cabled between my BAT VK-3i pre- and VK-60 power amp with stellar results.
I also have a fully balanced tube preamp (Calypso). I use the RCA preamp outputs to my amps as it preserves the tube character of my preamp. As said in other thread, the balanced outputs remove the even harmonics of the tubes which make the sound more flat and less tube like. For the input, the sound of the RCA and XLR is closer and it is not as clear cut. What I would recommend is that you buy some cheap balanced cables and try them on the inputs and outputs. Listen to the difference between them and your fine RCA cables. You should be able to tell if you like XLR on outputs and inputs with your own ears. After that you can decide if spending the money for one or more sets of fine XLR cables are worth your effort.
