Lessloss Reference review?

A review on 6moons just came out and the latest, greatest revision by Lessloss got analyzed. What does the article really say? All I got is that 2K cord is better than a $1 cord? Is it just me but some of these reviews are pretty much useless?
Thank you Lula...I guess sometimes reviewing become a job and even though I can find contact info or brief blanket recommendation, you still have no idea what characteristics a particular component has. Btw, I just pulled trigger on Silent Source power cord so I'm curious how it's going to work in my system. Still curious about Lessloss though...
Alright, I read the review, yeah it was pretty poorly written. I couldn't help but notice that the two reviewers were the same ones that wrote about the original LessLoss cord when it came out in November of 2008 (Marja & Henk). I haven't read more of their stuff, but I'll just assume that they are poor reviewers. They spend most of their time discussing technology, and very, very little time discussing actual sonic characteristics.

Perhaps people who can not describe what they are hearing should not be reviewers....just a thought.
There are only two categories of reviews, glowing rave reviews, and not glowing rave reviews.
Har! So true.
Reviews and reviewer's are like a women's Bikini ...

What they reveal is seductive but what they conceal is really what is critical ;-)