Lessloss Reference review?

A review on 6moons just came out and the latest, greatest revision by Lessloss got analyzed. What does the article really say? All I got is that 2K cord is better than a $1 cord? Is it just me but some of these reviews are pretty much useless?
There are only two categories of reviews, glowing rave reviews, and not glowing rave reviews.
Har! So true.
Reviews and reviewer's are like a women's Bikini ...

What they reveal is seductive but what they conceal is really what is critical ;-)
The 6Moons review wording may have something to do with the fact the reviewers are Dutch and are techies more than audiophiles (they run IT Depts). There are glowing reviews of this PC in more conventional audio publications like Stereo Times, etc. (Check LessLoss website.) Inasmuch as these PC's are designed and made in Lithiuania, you are going to see more foreign reviews first.

I can only repeat that this cord is a revelation, and I say this when I am as cynical if not more so than most others about the Next Big Thing in audio. But sometimes it actually does happen.
