Fact is many people who might not recognize good sound when they hear it do recognize the price tag and might be after a status symbol as much as anything.
I have no problem with that. It muddies the waters but educated consumers will find their way regardless. Its the rest that are at risk from the predators, and there will always be a predator around looking for prey. It's the way of nature as well as of man unfortunately. No getting around that!
There is no substitute for a little good knowledge....it goes a long way....etc. etc.
I have no problem with that. It muddies the waters but educated consumers will find their way regardless. Its the rest that are at risk from the predators, and there will always be a predator around looking for prey. It's the way of nature as well as of man unfortunately. No getting around that!
There is no substitute for a little good knowledge....it goes a long way....etc. etc.