Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
let's get back to the original question..' reviews of $10k plus i/cs,speaker wires,and pcs...."of course reviewers SHOULD review would those of us who, would otherwise not know about them, read about them..?..if you don't like to read about expensive cables...DON'T READ THE's very simple...Car and Driver and Road and Track don't just review Kias....!!most people love to read the articles about the Porsches...and the rest of the super cars...
It's only your typical male fantasy, like Ferraris, Lambos, sex with Hawaiian Tropic models, let audiophiles have their fantasies, too.
MM - I have a sneaking suspicion you just might have answered your own question. :-))
"Mapman, I'm not interested in your "nonsense detector" as it is invalid."