Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?
I think it is the truth you are saying, These days I also talk a lot about these things with distributers. I hear there difficulties.

Individuality creates problems and limitations. Personal agendas creates limitations for an honest advise to consumers.The same thing when shops focus on those products which give the most money. I call it colouration.

In my country the better products do not get the attention as they got in the past. Unknown and often new products are more important. Because shops buy them directly from the factory. Often these products are by far not the best in there price range.

This is bad advertising for audio in general. At the end customers get less quality for there money. And they also do not get a honest advise.

I do it the opposite way. Those people who do it as I told earlier don't like me.

And that is why it feels like a battle. That is alright with me. What I said many times; the best and most convincing sound will win. To be honest they even make it more easy for me. Because it is easier to compete.

That does not mean that I want it to stay like this. It would be better for all when the quality people get becomes better. Audio needs more positive advertising.
Fact is many people who might not recognize good sound when they hear it do recognize the price tag and might be after a status symbol as much as anything.

I have no problem with that. It muddies the waters but educated consumers will find their way regardless. Its the rest that are at risk from the predators, and there will always be a predator around looking for prey. It's the way of nature as well as of man unfortunately. No getting around that!

There is no substitute for a little good goes a long way....etc. etc.
let's get back to the original question..' reviews of $10k plus i/cs,speaker wires,and pcs...."of course reviewers SHOULD review would those of us who, would otherwise not know about them, read about them..?..if you don't like to read about expensive cables...DON'T READ THE's very simple...Car and Driver and Road and Track don't just review Kias....!!most people love to read the articles about the Porsches...and the rest of the super cars...
It's only your typical male fantasy, like Ferraris, Lambos, sex with Hawaiian Tropic models, let audiophiles have their fantasies, too.
MM - I have a sneaking suspicion you just might have answered your own question. :-))