Speaker cable for Nad 7050 and KEF LS50

I've been using cheap speaker cables to connect my LS50s to my NAD D7050 and they sound great for my uneducated ears. I have never really invested in cables, but I was wondering if anyone can recommend/suggest any (not very expensive) cables that could make a difference.
Budget cables I have used in past with good results are canare 4s11, mogami, speltz anti cables, audioquest type 4, and now have morrow sp4. All but the morrow sp4's cost me less than $80. Of course this all depends on your budget and desired results but I found that all of the cables I mentioned to sound better the cheap wires. Other may disagree.
There is no silver bullet magic instant fix available. Your wish list for performance improvement (and system synergy) also has a threefold requirement: ICs, Speakers and power cables. Parsing out Attention to speaker cables blindly at the exclusion of the effect on the others wont get you what you want.

(1) System Synergy matters ..... Big time. {vis-a-vis among all your cables and also with rest of system}
(2) This is in constant tension with the truism that in this hobby that you get what you pay for .
(3) There is no escaping that, at a minimum, cables expenditures should form at least 10% of your total system outlay for quality performance experiences.
(4) Attempted short-cut deviations from these truisms invariably introduce performance comprises .
How long are the present speaker cables, and (if you know) what gauge are they?

-- Al
My friend has his LS50 Speakers connected to a Peachtree Audio integrated. I think the amp was around 1K and is class D. He is using Wireworld Solstice 7 speaker cables that cost him less than 200.00 new. I have heard his system many times and I have always been very impressed with the sound. It's very musical and very involving.