Which main power cord?

Cullen Crossover Series vs. Synergistic Research Core AC.

I'm looking for a power cord to feed my power conditioner. All the front end components get plugged into my Furman Elite 15pfi while the power amp goes directly into the wall outlet.
Does anyone have experience with each of these cables? There is not a lot of information on either and they are both comparably priced. Any feedback would be helpful.
We speak from experience.
That's funny…..so do I. But I never get obsessed with any one company. And I do not get too carried away with any one designer as there is a wealth of talented audio engineers out there constantly improving the reproduction of music in the home.

The problem with running with cables from one company, or electronics all from one company, is that you get an additive result of colorations and flaws within that product line. If this works for you, that's fine. Even with products of tonal coherency, there is always a tradeoff between detail/clarity and the portrayal of space. Not one product yet gets it all perfect. So until then, we are each left to find a set of products, which integrate into a system to give us a hint of the qualities within the music.
JAFOX .....

Great final post !! IMO You are correct: a vertical integration of product offerings may or may NOT work best.

Again .....

(1) It depends ......, and
(2) you ain't gonna know until you actually test drive it --hands on -- in your system -- full stop!
(3) to assume otherwise, with sole or primary reliance on either mag reviews or these anecdotal personally heavy biased plugs of one's own faves here, is a lousy odds gamble at best with negligible assurances that the "faves" will actually work in your system.

Release the hounds! .... Let the hunt begin....
Richard Gray stuff ruined the sound of my system....I couldn't get it out fast enough.
"09-19-14: Stringreen
Richard Gray stuff ruined the sound of my system....I couldn't get it out fast enough."

Ayre designs their products to be used with the stock PC. I tried quite a few PC's on my Ayre components and found the stock cable was the best sounding.
John (Jafox) is spot on with his posts, as usual.

Highfidelitycyprus is new here, and should disclose that he is a dealer.
Welcome to the Audiogon forums Highfidelitycyprus. Dealers and manufacturers are welcome here, but they are encouraged to disclose their identity to increase transparency for the readers.