Sloppy but Famous Contest

Did anyone notice that Leo Kottke is awfully sloppy musician?
How about Steve Howe?
Both of them often miss the notes or even hitting the wrong ones.
Who else do you know?
I found this to be true with Susan Tedeschi. She resolved her situation by marrying a better player. ;^)
If you're NOT occasionally messing up, you're not playing very hard. Clapton may be the exception.
Drubin, I guess both I've mentioned players don't allocate too much time to brush or advance their music. Yayk!
Clapton isn't perfect, but very consistent organized and professional.
Some of my favorite artists compensate for lack of pure technical skill with feedback, distortion, and effects- Neil Young, the Edge, and Jack White. Of course, then there is Steve Morse who is a very gifted technically, but uses effects anyway because in the appropriate places, they sound cool. You don't want to take the soul out of the music.