Dueland CAST PIO

Hello I had a few questions regarding this cap and was wondering if any owners who have heard this cap first hand can help me out.

I am thinking about adding this as a CAP upgrade on the speakers I am trying to get. I have heard from owners on forums saying it made a significant difference to their speakers for the better, but when I contacted some other speaker manufacturers they tell me that just because you add the Dueland CAP does not necessarilly mean you will get better sound. They say withs ome speakers they might sound great, but with some other speakers, they might even make the sound quality lower.

My questions are.

1. Will the Dueland CAST PIO cap upgrade change the signature sound of the speaker as intended by the designer?
Or will it simply make everything sound a bit better not effecting the original sound?

2. How much did the Dueland CAST PIO improve your system?

Thanks for all the inputs. I had a exchange of E-mail with Ryan over and Vapor at he said that the Duelund CAST can be upgraded just on the tweeters. He also suggested since we are gonna go with the single Dueland CAST over the V-OIMP capacitor, that we upgrade the resisters to Dueland CAST as well while we're at it.

Can't wait to hear it!
I believe you made a very wise decision,there should be no second guessing as the results will justify the additional cost.Congratulations with your new Vapor speakers.
I totally disagree.i have been modding Loudspeakers as well as electronics 
for 15 years. I just replaced the Mundorf  Supreme ,and silver oil with VCap OIMP
caps very nicely balanced but need a solid 100 hours to start opening up.
up to 400 hours to fully runin .the midrange now is much more liquid
the a Mundorf  Silver oil are nice but lacking in Bass and not as deep in soundstage depth vs the VH OIMP caps.
I would rate these a 11+ 
now if using a VAh CU teflon bypass then is as good or better then Jupiter Copper, or Audyn true Copper. The Mundorf cast are a 15+ Top of the hill hands down . But 4-5 times the cost for 3% or less .if you have money to  spend then do it. personally A The  Jantzen Copper inductors are excellent and as good as  most any. For Resistors the Path Audio are The best out there for Loudspeakers 
yes betterthen Duelunds cast  . I have done several speakers and under 1% total distortion  and are constant under all demanding conditions. One more thing with VH their matching of all capacitors to under 1% combined with these resistors 
precision at its highest No other company has tested this close for a  Loudspeaker system. For  most Audiophiles my recommendations would be 
considered  Excellent ,but as a Audiophille You can buy pure Silver duelund caps 
and spend $20,000. It is only money Right !!
Duelund resistors are weird. They have some sort of thermal coefficient built in they call a good thing, but it only works if the speakers heat up to match.

Audyn TC caps are outstanding bypass.  Right now 0.10uF at PE are running $16. Pretty good deal for performance.

@audioman58 Have you tried Mills resistors?

