Repair worth it?

I have two cassette decks: A Nak BX-1 and a JVC KD-75. The Nak Bx-1 was in for repair about a year ago and had work done on the transport mechanism and the solenoid buttons. The KD-75 works, but the heads/electronics could use a good cleaning. Any advice on which unit to repair first? I dont have a huge tape library, but enough to keep the unit around.


If all the JVC needs is a cleaning and demagnetization, you should be able to find cleaning supplies and a demagnetizer on-line, either NOS here or Ebay or new from some place like Needle Doctor. The Nak is worth fixing, so long as it isn't too much $$$. Neither one of those are big time "classics," so I'd let your budget be your guide first. Good luck & happy listening.
Neither worth fixing. Give it up to Goodwill. The only Nak worth fixing is their Dragon model, which is still in demand for about $1K, if in top shape.
"The only Nak worth fixing is their Dragon model..."

Please don't make these statements as someone might believe them. I have owned many of the top Nak models, including the Dragon, CR7A, ZX-9 and RX-505, and while the Dragon is a fine machine, all of them are worth repairing. If you have one of the models mentioned, please let me know before you give it to Goodwill. I can put it to good use!
Don't waste the money on those old decks. If you like your tapes Teac still makes one ( W-890R-B) for $250.