...and be sure to keep the magnets far away from that Hard Drive. Be sure to hope against that next Solar Flare!
I talk Physics, Fragmentation, Magnetic Fields, and Round World (Real World) logic- Chadeffect. You are STILL stuck on Old Testament Flat Earth logic, and reason (Lazarus- are you kidding?). Tell me where you live, and I swear I will buzz your house with a Helicopter carrying the LARGEST Magnet available. You can hold your Computer Music Files up to it if you want. They don't call it the "Blue Screen Of Death" for nothing! What goes for your Hard Drive goes the same for your Back-up Hard Drive. Like trying to stop a bullet with a piece of aluminum foil. We
have already done the the magnetic particle Audio Format before, it was called a Cassette! We got rid of them because of unreliability, and they didn't last. As if a magnetic Hard Disk Drive would be more reliable than Tape. Oh, but its incoded with 1's and 0's this time! Well, that will certainly make it invulnerable. The INCONVENIENCE in Music Files is in their VULNERABILITY. FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! A fragmenting excuse for an Audio Format! It only appears to be Convenient only hiding its Vulnerable Fragility. Smoke, and Mirrors (Premium Price for that Smoke and Mirrors). I smell rip-off. All Rip-offs are sold as being Convenient; because, in reality they are anything but! Microsoft doesn't care about development of Computer Audio. I don't think a small group of enthusiasts are going to change that. You have no Research, and Development- you have no Audio Format. It is out of gas! What are you going to run it on- FUMES? Talk to Microsoft about helping your Format take over the World. I think that they are just jealous; because, they already own it. Why should they help you, or Computer Audio? Take your War to them. Me... I'm just passing through! You (And Microsoft) have alot to talk about- so...I will just be on my way! It ain't me you have to worry about, threatening your Format! Microsoft is your Audio God now. You chose them (For All Of Us). Thank-you kindly! YOU can put the money in the Till. I pass!
I talk Physics, Fragmentation, Magnetic Fields, and Round World (Real World) logic- Chadeffect. You are STILL stuck on Old Testament Flat Earth logic, and reason (Lazarus- are you kidding?). Tell me where you live, and I swear I will buzz your house with a Helicopter carrying the LARGEST Magnet available. You can hold your Computer Music Files up to it if you want. They don't call it the "Blue Screen Of Death" for nothing! What goes for your Hard Drive goes the same for your Back-up Hard Drive. Like trying to stop a bullet with a piece of aluminum foil. We
have already done the the magnetic particle Audio Format before, it was called a Cassette! We got rid of them because of unreliability, and they didn't last. As if a magnetic Hard Disk Drive would be more reliable than Tape. Oh, but its incoded with 1's and 0's this time! Well, that will certainly make it invulnerable. The INCONVENIENCE in Music Files is in their VULNERABILITY. FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! FRAGILE!!! A fragmenting excuse for an Audio Format! It only appears to be Convenient only hiding its Vulnerable Fragility. Smoke, and Mirrors (Premium Price for that Smoke and Mirrors). I smell rip-off. All Rip-offs are sold as being Convenient; because, in reality they are anything but! Microsoft doesn't care about development of Computer Audio. I don't think a small group of enthusiasts are going to change that. You have no Research, and Development- you have no Audio Format. It is out of gas! What are you going to run it on- FUMES? Talk to Microsoft about helping your Format take over the World. I think that they are just jealous; because, they already own it. Why should they help you, or Computer Audio? Take your War to them. Me... I'm just passing through! You (And Microsoft) have alot to talk about- so...I will just be on my way! It ain't me you have to worry about, threatening your Format! Microsoft is your Audio God now. You chose them (For All Of Us). Thank-you kindly! YOU can put the money in the Till. I pass!