Thank you for your kind words. I also consider this a journey -- with a steep learning curve, excuse the pun. I started off with one box and lamp cord 8 years ago. Although I had my first system in 1967 it was only in recent years that I overcame health and financial challenges to be able to put together a wonderful system.
Of course, you are right. It is not so much a matter of being misguided as it is not having the experience under one's belt.
Thank you for your kind words.
I don't alway agree with myself either -- sometimes even after only a short period of time, alas. It's this darn learning curve. I sometimes get it in the neck way before I am even expecting it.
And, frankly I don't always understand why some of the things I do end up working. I let me ears be the judge even though logic or conventional wisdom say that what I am doing must be wrong.
For me, as well, the journey is ultimately about my relationship with the music. This is far more than a hobby for me. It is a passion. I studied classical piano at the Conservatory of Music for 12 years start at age 7. But much earlier my parents recognized that I was a "musical child". My piano teacher said I should have been a singer when I did my solfege exercises for her. Singing has always been my real love in terms of performance choices. But my life went in a different direction professionally. Nevertheless, music has always been an irreplaceable part of my spiritual life -- a constant and very close companion throughout my life.
For me, the journey also made it clear that I would have to develop a relationship with the equipment if I wanted to be able to appreciate the music more deeply. The bottom line always remains the music, of course. I just had to learn how to fix a flat and read a dip stick to make the journey possible.
I know what you mean about latitude. There are so many factors to be considered. The wiser approach seems to be to allow for more options than one might have thought necessary and to learn to step back and reconsider things when new information arrives. It often takes a much more open mind than one might have thought to arrive at one's hoped-for destination.
How true when you said you "see a previous road traveled in a new light". It is all about growing.
How true when you said "Many things that we don't know
how to quantify or explain(YET)." As I am wont to quote whoever it was who said "Not everything that can be measured matters. And not everything that matters can be measured". This is so true regarding high end audio, IMHO.
We never do know where all the changes will end until we finally get there -- and then more changes often arrive, unexpectedly.
I could not agree more with your post. It is all about learning and choices.