What brand is most recognized by non-audiophiles?

Yesterday at church the pastor used audiophiles in an example and mentioned that he probably shouldn't use the example without knowing the current best equipment. When he asked the congregation there were several quick responses that said Bose. I shook my head.

What audiophiles brands would be most recognizable to the masses these days? I think of Krell when I think of an audiophile brand, but don't know how many blank looks I would get out of non-audiophiles. Maybe B&W?
10-27-13: Mceljo wrote "but what audiophile respected brands are likely the most well known."

Are you trying to imply that BOSE is NOT an audiophile respected brand?

I hear commercial Bose setups that make me think there is possibilities still there for good home audio, but most home audio Bose stuff I hear tends to be well sub-par.

I think there are ways one could make a good sounding home system with Bose stuff these days, but most that might have the interest and knowledge needed to give it a fair try probably end up elsewhere first.

There is a Bose store in a nearby mall last time I checked a couple years back. I went in looking for a good Bose 2-channel sound benchmark but there was nothing set up there that even gave it a decent attempt as I recall having seen and heard in similar Bose stores in years prior.

Bottom line is Bose has little interest in marketing traditional 2 channel home audio products these days. Too much money made elsewhere! Not to say Bose might not deliver good sound still if someone really tried. Bose definitely knows how to run a successful business built around sound. The numbers would indicate perhaps they know how to do this better than anyone. THey just don't give a hoot about traditional audiophiles. They tend to be more forward thinking and targeting the masses in regards to their products.