Thoughts on Audio Research D70

I recently saw a very well priced D70. If I remember back in 80's these were highly thought of. Having no chance to hear, what do they compare with today or do they?
I was asking about the kt120 more from a increased tube life perspective as I knew that I wouldn't get a power increase without mod's to the amp. I don't have any issues with power with 115 - it seems to be able to drive about anything I hook up to it. ARC did recomend the Sovtek 6550WE's which seem fairly easy to find.

I have no issues with a non factory mod. I am considering recapping it but haven't made up my mind on which cap(s) to go with. Any suggetsions??
Sovtek and Svetlana tubes are definitely good value for the money. I have owned no less than 8 Audio Research amps and I have only 1 tube blow out on me since I never run the bias rich. 50-55mA instead of pushing 65.

There are other ways to get richer sound and snappy bass than just biasing up the power tubes (eg. choice of coupling caps and making sure the diff amp tubes are fresh, and adjusted for symmetry with the trimpots)

I still remember fondly the conversations with Leonard and how he got me started with Inifinicap for my old Audio Research amps.

If cost were no object for this project, (hopefully sometime later), I'd be using V-cap teflon 0.22 - 0.33uF for the coupling caps (yes they are *that* good). Anything larger simply wont fit.
My next choice would be Jenseon oils but after having a few oil leak incidents I'd rather stick to the cheaper (but metal casing so use extreme caution) k40y9. Auricaps and Dynamicaps will fit easily, a few notches above the Relcaps, but not enough of an improvement to justify all the work esp on this amp IMO. Too many caps to replace.

All the above have leads which will not fit into the solder holes, you will need to do a 90 degree bend of about 2-3mm of the leads and solder them parallel to the pad. Also be EXTRA gentle and careful not to damage the traces when you are extracting the old caps.

The large can capacitors are always Sprague or Mallory or Cornell Dublier. Easy to swap out if you can find them in stock at Allied or Digikey or Mouser. Buying from Audio Research would be fail-safe of course.

Are you saying you'd replace the 1.0uF + 0.15uF caps with the 0.22 to 0.33 values? Seems like a big change.

KT-120's are not recommended by the factory for use in a D-115mkII. I would however use caps furnished by ARC as well as the red cap plugs that go on top of the cap .
@Sbrown: Check VHAudio V-cap's web page on sizing coupling caps. The -3dB rolloff point is lower than audible. Plus there is hardly over 2 inches of traces from plate to grid for each coupling stage.

Also even in the 90s when I used to call Leonard at Audio Research to get suggestions on how to upgrade the Classic 120s he's recommend 0.47 or 0.68uF Infinicaps (Dynamicaps werent available yet) to replace the paralleled 1uF Rel 0.01 Wondercaps.

Larger caps were used in the 70s and 80s to add a thicker sonic signature to mask the mid high glare.