Thoughts on Audio Research D70

I recently saw a very well priced D70. If I remember back in 80's these were highly thought of. Having no chance to hear, what do they compare with today or do they?

Are you saying you'd replace the 1.0uF + 0.15uF caps with the 0.22 to 0.33 values? Seems like a big change.

KT-120's are not recommended by the factory for use in a D-115mkII. I would however use caps furnished by ARC as well as the red cap plugs that go on top of the cap .
@Sbrown: Check VHAudio V-cap's web page on sizing coupling caps. The -3dB rolloff point is lower than audible. Plus there is hardly over 2 inches of traces from plate to grid for each coupling stage.

Also even in the 90s when I used to call Leonard at Audio Research to get suggestions on how to upgrade the Classic 120s he's recommend 0.47 or 0.68uF Infinicaps (Dynamicaps werent available yet) to replace the paralleled 1uF Rel 0.01 Wondercaps.

Larger caps were used in the 70s and 80s to add a thicker sonic signature to mask the mid high glare.
@Hifigeek1: Those huge lytics are Sprague and Mallory and hard to find in-stock @ Digikey or Allied. The cap plugs are impossible to buy in qty < 1000.
Thanks for the tip the V-cap's website. Do you think that the mid high glare you refer to is from the Rel/Wondercaps??