filthy pigs

i swear just when i thought i'd seen it all,last year i bought a mcintosh mc7100 from ebay & put it in the closet till i got around to messin with it,i tested it but that was as far as i got,just today i opened the box & started messin with it gettin it ready for resale,i took the cover off to have a peek & discovered cigarette ashes inside,how & the hell can you be such a pig as to get ashes inside a peice of gear,i have a mental picture of some old hag stirrin a pot of slop with a cig hangin out of her mouth.

ive seen alot of nasty gear & im pretty sure one peice i had a few years back even had a booger on it but the ashes took the cake now its got me wondering about bugs & mice,im gonna start opening everything i buy on the front porch incase somthing leaps out at me.

whats the filthiest peice you've bought?

One time I saw a mouse crawl into the port of my old B&W center speaker. I took it apart(speaker) and found a whole sh-tload of droppings. I cleaned it out. Later when I sold it to a friend, I did tell him about it. I blasted the speaker when the mouse was in it to see if he would ome out with a megaphone held up to his ear but it didn't happen.
I bought a Rotel 2100 tuner off Ebay (seems to be the recurring theme) and the seller charged me a "handling" fee for packing. Well, he used old empty plastic milk cartons and an old mens' suit as packing material. The box was from the supermarket. It was either a lettuce or chicken box, I can't specifically recall. No bubble-wrap or even a plastic bag to cover the tuner. It had a small nick on the handle but otherwise was ok. A request to refund the "handling" fee, resulted in exchanged incendiary emails to no avail except negative feedback, despite the fact that I paid him which is the only obligation a buyer has. Another Ebay near-disaster. Another reason NOT to buy from Ebay sellers. And another reason why Ebay feedback is of no consequence here on Audiogon.
The fifteen dollar ladies usually only have SOME of their teef, and that makes it even more challenging than if they were all-gums.