Best small intro to tubes?

I've got a nice solid state system in my listening room but am interested in an entry level system that uses tubes that I could put on my bedroom dresser. Would like to stay in the $1-2k range. Front end would be CD or FM tuner.

Any thoughts?
Try a McIntosh MAC1500 receiver. You can find them in the under 1K range for mint examples. 30 wpc. I have one hooked up to a pair of Vandersteen 1C speakers with excellant results in a 22 x 15 room. PLENTY of "tube watts" !!
Yesterday I had at home for demo a Opera Consonance, KT88 single ended or parallel feed, about $1,000, not the ultimate in tube sound but better than most recievers. Today at home for demo (from Deets Sound Room), I have Audion Sterling EL34 single ended output "integrated amp" (passive input volume control), about $2,000. This thing is better than most solid state amps in pace/musicality, about 9watts/channel?, plenty of power for my 93db sensitive speakers. For a "fuller" more romantic "tube" sound I would suggest 300b single ended output, most prices in neighborhood of $4,000.....lots of stuff out there under $2000, good luck, Mike.
I would keep it simple with aa integrated or the Mac receiver is a good idea.

Lots of sexy little tube integrateds out there.