Best small intro to tubes?

I've got a nice solid state system in my listening room but am interested in an entry level system that uses tubes that I could put on my bedroom dresser. Would like to stay in the $1-2k range. Front end would be CD or FM tuner.

Any thoughts?
I would keep it simple with aa integrated or the Mac receiver is a good idea.

Lots of sexy little tube integrateds out there.
Check out Decware at

You'll be hard pressed to find a nicer sounding amplifier for the kind of money these things cost. you will require efficient speakers, however, as these amps are fairly low powered. They are a very high quality product; Decware winds their own transformers and puts together a very good product. The Decware products are serious high end units.

The MAC1500 receiver has a solid state preamplifier if memory serves along with a tubed amp, similar to the MC225 amp, and a tubed tuner. Any piece of tubed gear this old, unless it has been rebuilt already, is going to need to see a Friendly Tube tech before it is fired up. Rebuilding the things can run into material money if quality parts are used.
one more rec.....a pair of VTL Tiny Triodes (TT25)...great amps and plenty of power at 25 watts per channel...priced under a grand used...big thumbs up here

I would recommend either the Prima Luna Prologue 1 ($1045) or 2 ($1345). They are purchased directly from Upscale Audio (www. I own a Prologue Two. You can read my review of the Prologue Two here . It will sound excellent with most small monitors ... I have been very pleased pairing it with the Omega Super 3's, as well as the NHT SB2's.

Regards, Rich