I'm FINALLY finished: new 2-channel system

Well, I did it. I'm not sure I did the right thing by ditching home theatre in favor of an upgraded 2-channel but it's done.

Old Home Theatre system:

McIntosh MVP851
McIntosh MHT200 Receiver
B&W Nautilus 804, HTM2, SCM1
Velodyne sub-woofer

New system:

McIntosh MVP851
C2200 Preamp
2 MC275 Mk IV monoblocks
Tyler Acoustics Super Towers
No subwoofer

Hopefully, the new system will be a HUGE improvement over the 2-channel sound I got with the old HT system because I sacrificed 3 channels and a sub for it.

Please tell me I did the right thing. I'm having HT-partum blues.
I just replaced my receiver and B&W N804's, HTM 1 and subwoofers with a McIntosh MA 6900 and B&W 803D speakers.

The 2 channel sound is much much better.

Still getting use to watching TV and Movies in 2 channel--it sounds good, the image seems to be comming from the TV, but a center channel seems to do it better.

I get a lot more sound effects using 2 channels though.

If things get hectic I might use the HT Bypass on the MAC with a reciever and center, but my living room area looks a lot better without a center,rear speakers, subwoofers, cables and gear stacked to the ceiling.
You definitely did the right thing. I work around HT systems every day and continue to enjoy my 2-channel tube-based system more w/music and movies. My opinion is that if you get 2 channels tonally right along w/a good video monitor, movie soundtracks simply disappear into the movie. With HT set-ups I am always aware of movie plus sound effects. Way to go.
Pookie - I dropped HT in 1999 and missed it for about 1 day. I can't tell you how many laser discs I bought and only watched them once. For those that enjoy it-great, but it was the easiest thing I've ever walked away from. Hope your experience is the same.. As the title of your thread says you are "finally finished", might I suggest that you now stay away Audiogon, Asylum, etc. :)
I dropped high end HT about 3-4 years ago and I couldn't be happier. I still have a very modest HT setup (though nice by Best Buy standards), but to be honest, I don't use it much.

Think you'll love the new system. But, no reason to dump home theatre except for cosmetic and space considerations in my book. The home theatre part of a system does not have to be and "end game" system. Add an inexpensive HT processor like a Sony or Technics (100 to 200 used), a Gallo Due for the center and a pair of Micros for the rear. Use your two channel speakers for the F/R speakers. I've done this a couple of times with my all tubed system and it works out just fine for movies and TV with dolby digital.

I just plug the home theatre stuff in when I want to use it; for serious stereo listening it simply gets unplugged.