
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
Ajahu , what preamp was being used in your friend's system with the Nuforce Ref 9s?
Sorry for the confusion. The price bracket I meant is where the Linn Klimax Chakra-ML 431 is. So about 6-7000 USD. We used an ML 39 and a TACT 2.0 as cd player and preamp.
Everyone needs to realize that the Ref9 is way different than the 9.02's. If you still have the 9 get it upgraded to 9.02. Some people are saying the 9.02's with extended bass are too bright but I beg to differ because it is not happening in my system with all silver wire. They need over 150 hours run time to be sure. Also I would leave them on all the time. Also, I think Ggil has a great set up for these.
Ggil, I have heard an even later version of the APL Hi-Fi Denon 3910 with Nuforce 8.02b's(with Cardas adaptors for my single-ended preamp), and I have to say that even though the APL had less than 50 hours of the 200-300 minimum burn-in, that unless you are really way up there in tube-land, that they sound fine(or better). I'm not sure, at this point, that cd's that aren't recorded in analog, to begin with, sound good. This is with little experience in this area, but I will try to update as I go along in my listening.