Did I make a mistake buying Krell?

I was in search of a nice integrated amp that I could keep around for a long time. I got a good deal on a Krell KAV-300i, so I made a command decision to buy it.

I haven't hooked it up yet but I'm second guessing if it was the right decision. My equipment that will be used with the Krell: EAD-2000 cdp and Klipsch KLF-20 & Chorus II speakers (99db & 101db sensitivity respectively). The Klipsch speaker crossovers have upgraded resistors and caps and I can honestly say they don't sound bright and forward anymore. I would describe the sound right now as much warmer and alot less forward than before.

My question to you folks is:
1. Is Krell a good match for my existing set up?
2. What is the Krell sound?
3. If Krell isn't a good match, what would be better in the $1000-$1500 used range?

The Krell has way more power than you need, not that there's anything wrong with that. Conventional wisdom says too much watts is better than not enough. If I had your speakers, I'd be looking at SET amps, not solid-state behemoths. I wish my speakers could be run by a SET.
Be sure and give it ample time (200 hrs.) for the amp the break-in/burn-in before you amke a final decision.
Vman - Your results are as I expected. Your really only need a couple watts for those KLF20s. I would encourage looking into <20WPC SET amplifiers. Hooking one up to those very efficient speakers was a "wow" moment for me.
Back in 1997, I auditioned the Krell KAV 300 for my first amp. Ear bleeding is not my cup of tea. It could impress some but it did not impress me.
They make better amps now, but I'm still allergic to Krell since that first encouter.