10k 300B single ended amp, what should I choose?

Current system:
- Theta Carmen II Universal transport Transport
- Stax x1t DA converter
- Clearaudio Champion Level II Turntable
- Clearaudio Tangent Linear Tracking Tonearm
- zyx airy 2 Cartridge
- Clearaudio Balance pre-phono
- Emotive Audio Sira-LE Tube preamp
- Mastersound Reference 845 Tube amp
- SAP J2001 MkII Speaker (97db)
- Nordost, Siltech & Virtual Dynamic top of the line Interconnect
- Hydra 8 (original) PS Audio high current AC filter
- Symposium Rollerblocks Tweak
- SAP speaker stand Special for the J2001 Tweak

I'm listening to most classical music and many big orchestra.
Indeed, you'll need a very hefty 300B to reproduce large orchestral works with ease especially if you want one amp to drive the spkrs full-range (I would suggest you use another amp for the bass).
DIYing is an excellent option, as suggested above. Also check out a refined classic designed at goodsoundclub.com.
IMO this investigating is well worth doing BEFORE you invest 10k in a commercial product!
I 2nd Hermans recommendation of Jeffery. AND he's a great guy too!
Good Listening!
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking bi-amp using the Mastersound for the bass and some 300B for the mid and high. I never knew about jeffery but will sure give it a try.
Not that I'm trying to change your mind on getting a 300B amp . . . but have you considered a SET amp that uses the PX25 tube from Art Audio or Audion? I too was thinking 300B, did some listening and finally spoke with Joe Fratus who is the owner of Art Audio on USA as he makes/sells both the 300B and PX25 amps. In his opinion the PX25 amp was the better of the two so I bought it and have been extrememly happy with it. It is a very strong sounding 6watts/ch. but with my 97dB efficient speakers and high gain preamp I can only turn the volume up a few notches before getting too loud for the wife.

Give Joe a call - he's a great person to chat with and not pushy at all. Very customer focused. And the price of the Art Audio PX25 is US$6,500 so it's within your $10K budget with bucks to spare for music presumably . . .

I also have 97dB fullrange speakers , Cain & Cain IM-Bens.

I've got Welborne DRD 300B monoblocks and the above mentioned 6 wpc Art Audio PX-25. The PX-25 is a far superior amp in term of drive, tonal richness/density, control, finesse, detail, soundstaging, depth, etc. Of course, it should be at 3x the price.

The PX-25's power supply is phenominal and provides massive amounts of current for complex passages. It really performs like something 5x the power. It seems like I have never gotten close to running out of steam. I'm not talking sheer volume, any amp can get the Bens to painful levels - in terms of grip and control of music. Although, my speakers have Fostex FE-E Sigma 168 6.5" fullrange single drivers.

Having said that....

Large scale classical/orchestra pieces really make unusual demands on any amp. You SAP speakers have that big 12" woofer and you have gotten used to the drive/reserve power of a 40 wpc parallel 845 amp. I'm not sure the PX is going equal that kind of power. It may outshine the Mastersound in all the other important sonic traits, but in sheer power - I dunno. (possible, though)

My guess would be the Art Audio 300B amps - Diavolvo(13 wpc), Jota(20 wpc), or high power Jota (30wpc and 40% more current drive) would be more comparable.

I talked to Joe fratus, the owner of Art Audio, about exactly this before getting the PX-25 and he told me that PX is his favorite amp for overall sound (he has the same speakers as I do) and the amp he uses at home even though he has far more expensive models. His advice was to go with the PX first and if I found that didn't have enough drive, then go to the Diavolo.

I would definetly call Joe and get his input. He's very, very, easy going and knowledgable. Loves to talk audio and isn't the type to try and force his most expensive product(or any) on you. His office # (401)825-8626. If he's not there, they are usually at the assembly shop (401)265-6765.

Art Audio

Be sure to read the reviews section.

BTW, are your speakers really only 97dB?

SAP J2001

The 12" woofers are 99dB, the mids 102dB, and tweets 105dB. I guess there's some efficiency loss for the crossover, but it seems to me those puppies should be around 99/100dB.

Hope some of this is of help.