Polish for Rowland amp facia?

Wondering if any of you found a product that helps cover minoir scratches on Rowland metal front covers?
While I don't know exactly what amp you have, I can assure you that it is anodised finish. They are not designed to be polished. I have taken a "scotch-brite" pad to some of the ones that I make to remove some of the roughness that remains after they are finished. A friend says that he takes finger nail files he buys at a beauty supply shop to smooth his. Not sure what kind he uses, but they may be similar to "upside down" sandpaper. That won't take out the scratches, but may make it more tolerable.
Darn, I thought the thread was related to Polish people's opinions on the look of Rowland gear. Not really sure how it would go, but for what it's worth, we Italians really like it.