I am openning a shop. What equipment should I sell

Planning on opening a retail "store front" what equipment should I carry?? Should I sell at price points or sell what sounds good? How important is base response in speakers. What is the right approach??

I think that is the joke post...........!

Just kidding.
I don't think he meant 'bass' when writing 'base'. I think he meant 'basic'. And, yes, a basic response in speakers is important, in fact, the better the response the more likely they are to go home with a customer. Just be sure to carry friendly speakers that are litter trained, and don't be upset when you sell more little monitors than big floorstanders. Seems most people want young ones when they're still so cute. Plus you can really influence their personality for when they grow up and...uh, wait a minute. What were we talking about here?
^^^^ I agree size does matter, no doubt. After all how can any manufacturer provide realistic output from a "small speaker" none that I have ever listened to have. But then I compare speakers to actual events that I have had the chance to listen and hear for myself- each persons hearing is different from the next, so w/o a doubt varity is a must. H/T is also a prereq in todays audio shop, even the good ones.
Cain and Cain, Klispch Heritage, McIntosh, Parasound, Anthem, Paradigm, Magnepan, Innersound, Denon, Onkyo, Clearaudio, Pro-ject, VPI, Marantz, Velodyne, Vandersteen, Anthony Gallo Acoustics, Quad, McCormack, Musical Fidelity, Bryston.

Best stuff you can find at most price points. Stay away from super, super high end and have some eclectic things. Sell at least 2 super well known lines, Klipsch and Paradigm, to get people in who will be blown away by things they have never seen if not into audio, ie Magnepan and Vandersteen.

Good Luck!!
Well you guys sure did offer lots of encouragement. Well maybe not so much, think I will finish my bottle of sleeping pills tonight, there are only 48 left. But seriously would you be more apt to buy brands that advertise a lot in the TAS and Stereophile? Have you ever purchased a product without reading a good review somewhere?