Tube or SS for Vocals/Strings

I am wondering if I should pair a tube amp with my arro's if most of my listening is classical? I also like opera, baroque, romantic, etc. I am a cellist and so I listen to a lot of strings but I also like vocals. Yann Tiersen is my favorite artist/composer and so I want something that boosts all the arros' strengths and is completely musically involving. ideas?
I would suggest Pass Aleph 3. 60wpc into 4 0hm would be more than enough. You'd get pure class A sound without the tube failure hassle.
Ask a silly question, get a bunch of silly answers. You need to listen to both types of amps to decide which distortion your prefer, because that is what the "tube" sound is. Your particular speakers are a far more relevant determiner of the sound you will hear than differences among competent tube or solid state amps. Ignor the kneejerk go-tubes replies.


ImpedancE - 4 ohms
Sensitivity - 87 dB

Room size at the moment is really small, 10x12. I can only expect that the next room it will be in will be as small or a tad larger (15x12). Regardless these speakers will always be in a smaller room.