Primaluna Two : cables, tube rolling ...

I have a Primaluna Two and I'm thinking upgrade. Actually I use a Van Den Hul D102 interconnect, Van den Hul Mainsstream power cord and stock tubes.
I listen mostly pop-rock(80%) and jazz(20%)
Has anyone experimented with interconnects, speaker cables, tube rolling ? I am very interesting in your opinions.
I think Groove Tubes are questionable. In particular that they claim their tubes to be "an exact replica" of Genelux (Genelux? Who's "Genelux"?). Errr! Sorry! They are not even close to being replicas! None of these tubes are.
{Shrug} Do you listen to what they are supposed to sound like or what *they* sound like? I have heard them on the PL2 and they were a very significant improvement in every area. If they were labeled as similar to something you recognized would that make them sound better?
Theorists. Given how you rated the other tubes, based on hearsay, that's hardly surprising. Enjoy your virtual tubes.
My comment was more comments that addressed the honesty of the company as it appears to me. If I had heard the GT, I would have given my personal comments on it like I did the pre/driver tubes. Do these "exact replicas" really put out 50 watts a tube? Btw, 700vdc is also wrong. This wasn't Genelex original spec so how could they be "exact replicas"? If I am guilty of anything, it is getting off topic.

Re the power tubes: key words were "puzzled", "what's the
run down", "wondering if ", "read", "read", "read", "puzzling", "pick", "glean", "online comments". I think you missed the point entirely.
I didn't read most of this. I highly recommend Oritek X-2 interconnects(I also recommend Nuforce amps). I am only interested in music.