"Off" vs. "Standby" and tube life

Hi everyone. I currently have a tubed cd player and a solid state integrated. I want to turn my cd player off when I am not using it to prolong tube life but my integrated sounds much better when left on 24/7. Here's my question - my integrated has a standby switch. When I am powering off my system, can I put the amp into standby and then turn my CD player off. I know I am supposed to power down the amp before powering down the source but does putting it into standby qualify?

I realize that there are differing opinions on whether leaving a tubed piece on all the time is better than turning it off and on but that aside I'm interested in learning more about "standby" vs. "off"

Thanks in advance.
Not sure of absolute life span, but tubes in general I would only run preamps for 24 hours before the weekend you will listen and shut off after that on a weekly basis, this will of course probably take 1 year off a tube that would maybe last 10 always shutting it off, but for running the system on a friday night and then again saturday afternoon etc... I would not keep shutting it on and off... Basically all a Standby switch does is Mute the output just like a mute button cutting the signal from feeding the amps if they are left on 24/7(solid state of course), so many manufactures use the Mute and explains to use it for not listening between listening sessions in 24 hour periods without shutting down and re-powering the unit several times. This in my opinion would be okay with use of Tube CD and preamps, power amps you would definatly kill off the power tubes and pull a lot of power sitting at idle faster and this would be pretty wastefull and of course more dangerous, so for an all tube intergrated I would probably suggest against it, but I'm no pro, this is how I see most hi-enders do it, and also how most the tube suppliers and manufactures have explained it to me as it will be fine for small signal tubes only.
Matrix - thanks for the response. I just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly - are you saying it IS okay for me to put my solid state integrated into standby and then power down my tubed CD player?

I generally keep my system fully powered for several days at a time and then if I'm not going to listen for a while I'd like to power down my tubed CD player but keep my solid state integrated on. My amp sounds better that way.
You can put the amp into standby, or you can mute the amp, or put it into standby or you can select a different input than the CD player before turning the CD player off. The point is that the CD player MAY emit a pulse when it is turned off which you would not want to amplify and feed to your speakers.

Most tube CD player outputs simply use the tube as a buffer. These small signal tubes would probably last LONGER if you don't turn the CD player off. Turning on a tube results in a quick inrush of current that rapidly heats the tube causing stress. This is what causes most of the damage to a tube. I would leave the CD player on all of the time. Also, when you turn the CD player off, the capacitors in the player discharge. It can take a lot of time for the caps to fully charge up and for the player to sound its best.
You'd better "Off"...

Don't ever live tubes on 24/7 or overnight. It realy doesn't matter if the tube will live longer or shorter it I guess matters to you more.

You can rely on circuit protection when the tube goes bad and you don't turn any tube component rightaway. If not you may set up your house on fire.
The safety issue is not limited to tubes. The tube itself won't start a fire, but the failure of the tube could casue other components to overheat and create a hazard. But, that is the case with solid state gear as well. Actual fires from component failure is not common, but I suppose there is some risk of leaving anything on all the time. Unfortunately, I do have to leave my refridgerator on all the time (but not, I suppose, the interior light).