Amp Question Please advise

Hello all I have a Denon 3805 with Paradigm 40's up front CC-350 center and cenimas in the rear
I am not happy with the sound at low levles -you have to crank it up to wake up the speakers.
Will an amp help this out ? Will I get better lows with ading an amp
Thanks ~
Probably getting different speakers would do a lot more for you than getting a different amp...

Surely the amp is important, but if your speakers lack bass extension and resolution at low levels then no amp is going to fix that. The room could also be part of the problem, but to know that you'd need to try a few different "known" speakers in the same location as your present speakers. Maybe you could borrow a set of speakers just to check that possibility.

I'm using Energy C-7s as mains in my HT system and I'm very happy with their resolution at all levels and they have very good bass extension and articulation.
You are right that changing the speakers will be a bigger change than swapping amps. OTOH, there's little point if the room is the problem.

However, you raise another issue: The OP never said what it was that was wrong with the sound at low levels except for asking if he would get better lows. I am familiar with the Paradigms and they have decent lows but, again, he doesn't say if he has a sub and/or how it's used.

You may have to sit closer if you want low level detail in a room that big. (and more power with a detailed amp won't hurt.)
If everything's OK with room and speakers I'd suspect source having not enough output level to feed Denon.
changing the amp won`t help @ low levels. Change the spkrs. if you can. A fair # of spkrs. sound like sh*t @ low levels.