Amp Question Please advise

Hello all I have a Denon 3805 with Paradigm 40's up front CC-350 center and cenimas in the rear
I am not happy with the sound at low levles -you have to crank it up to wake up the speakers.
Will an amp help this out ? Will I get better lows with ading an amp
Thanks ~
You are right that changing the speakers will be a bigger change than swapping amps. OTOH, there's little point if the room is the problem.

However, you raise another issue: The OP never said what it was that was wrong with the sound at low levels except for asking if he would get better lows. I am familiar with the Paradigms and they have decent lows but, again, he doesn't say if he has a sub and/or how it's used.

You may have to sit closer if you want low level detail in a room that big. (and more power with a detailed amp won't hurt.)
If everything's OK with room and speakers I'd suspect source having not enough output level to feed Denon.
changing the amp won`t help @ low levels. Change the spkrs. if you can. A fair # of spkrs. sound like sh*t @ low levels.
I'm not sure about the Paradigm 40's but when I went from 140 watts to 300 watts (into 4ohms) with my dynaudio 1.8s, I noticed that I had real bass at lower levels, and didn't need to be cranked as much to get a coherent soundstage. I'd guess around 150 solid state watts (into 8ohms) from a quality amp (no mass market recievers).