CJ vs. BAT vs. THOR preamps, who's best?

Looking for some input as to which of the above's top of the line, past & present preamps provide the best overall flexibility, and sonically involving presentation? ...and have the best support. Likely one of these will be paired with at least a solid state amp... possibly a tube as well if I bi-amp. Currently using VR4 JR's and if these change it will be to a little more efficient set of loudspeakers, but likely as close to full range as is possible.

I lean towards the euphonic - romantic side of things sonically speaking. And, 'gasp!' a bit towards the darker side of neutral... with needs being, very good to great bottom end and natural earthy sounding mids - no extension in the high end arena really necessary, just sweet and balanced on the whole.

I've got the VK5i, heard the TA1000 mkII, and know little about the CJ end of things other than that they invert the signal during it's development and only the BAT can afford one the use of a balanced setup... gotta go single ended with the others.

...again, support & flexibility with different amps are almost as if not as important as the sonic signature, to me.

Thanks in advance...
Well actually Jim, Audio Horizons does offer XLR inputs and outputs via balanced transformers, like VAC. Not 'true' balanced for sure, but they claim it does make a difference. Funny you should mention it, they have just started shipping units with remote controls too.

Hopefully you'll be thrilled with your new Thor. I just threw the AH in, just in case. I know someone who says the AH TP 2.0 smoked his CJ Premier 16LS mk II, FWIW.

Figures. Now they tell me about the remote. Super.

Well OK. I got my story, and I'm sticking to it.

New gear stories, hmmmmmmm. those sorts of statements scare me. Just like in review mags. The reviewer just falls over a thing saying it ain't going back. Sure enough, a couple months later it's in his litany of gear.

Of course talking with some makers of that same gear about reviewers in general as I did the other day, asking why no press on your 150w monos? i was told mostly because getting it back from reviewers is like pulling hens' teeth anyway, and some want even greater 'acomodation discounts' than are offered if they choose to buy it. Also they don['t handle it usually with any great care so it gets a bit beat up.

Far more than one has related that same story to me. things lose some credibility IMO when someone offs an $8K piece for $2K it plain doesn't make sense to me.

I find both this and your thread on SET amps very interesting. Unlike other postings where someone would say, like you did, that they favor a "romantic" sound and something "darker" than neutral, you also follow up by saying what you have heard. That is extremely helpful and illustrative, because what I call romantic and darker than neutral can be completely different from someone elses idea of the same. Absent any other clues, my idea of romantic and dark sounding would be, for example LAMM, certainly not Thor or BAT.

Given your preferences, I would suggest you also look into the Audio Research Reference 3 (MUCH more "romantic" and less edgy sounding than anything prior in their line), and the VTL 7.5. Both are also very flexible and versatile and have amazing range of remotely controlled features (so too the Bat gear).
Far more than one has related that same story to me. things lose some credibility IMO when someone offs an $8K piece for $2K it plain doesn't make sense to me.

I agree to some extent, but I do consider mark up when looking at the list prices. Because CJ has to include dealer mark up (40%), advertising and marketing (40%), in their retail price, I figure the $8K CJ preamp could be had for $3K tops if selling factory direct. Now figure that the new AH owner spent over $3K with all of the upgrade packages, and it doesn't surprise me at all. You are basically comparing identically priced units. The CJ just cost more because you pay for the dealer mark up and advertising that gets you the glossy rags reviews. Pretty basic really.

You have to compare apples to apples. Comparing a famous brand $8K preamp to another famous brand $2K preamp is one thing, and I agree with you that many times a great reco here is just because the owner of the $2K unit cannot afford the $8K unit, so he claims his $2K unit outperformed it. However, do not underestimate the cost of doing business, and therefore underestimate the value of a factory direct product. Comparing the list prices in this situation is like comparing apples and oranges, IMHO.

Blindjim, John's advice to report the incident to Ayre might help the guys at AV South realize they could improve their sales techniques. I had a poor experience there myself years ago. I wanted to audition an Arcam 9 cd player, but I was told they didn't intend to have one on hand to audition and I'd have to pay in advance before they'd order one. I complained to Arcam and stirred up a hornet's nest apparently. George the owner called and apologized, they were a lot nicer the next time around. Even offered free home audition for something else later. It was deja vu all over again though when I went in and tried to audition Magnepan 3.6's last year. I was told they didn't stock them, didn't know when they'd ever get them, but they'd call me when they did. That was eight months ago and still no call.