Pre-Amp For Plinius Power Amp

I have Plinus SA-102 connected to my DIY M7.Can anyone care to share which is the good combination that give better perforamnce can be achieved by using a soild state preamp.Thanks.
I had a Plinius M16 with my SA-250 and replaced it with an ARC Ref2 MkII. What a difference. Everything is better now. Even bass quality.
I have used a Reference Line PreEminence 2 passive with my SA100 MkIII for several years with very good results. I now use a Joule LA100 MkIII and am extremely happy with this combo as well.
I am using Cary slp98p with my sa102 , very happy.
I think tubes is the way to go.
Other good matches Hovland, EAR 864, Klimo and from solidstate the best was Audionet pre G2 (the big one).
I have an Adcom 750 that I use in the passive mod. It work wonderful with my Cary 303/200 player, very detailed and very dynamic. It sounds much better passive than powered.
Has anyone tried the '102 with the Aesthetix Calypso? Also, how can you tell a "regular" '102 from a "Mk2" version?