Pre-Amp For Plinius Power Amp

I have Plinus SA-102 connected to my DIY M7.Can anyone care to share which is the good combination that give better perforamnce can be achieved by using a soild state preamp.Thanks.
I am using Cary slp98p with my sa102 , very happy.
I think tubes is the way to go.
Other good matches Hovland, EAR 864, Klimo and from solidstate the best was Audionet pre G2 (the big one).
I have an Adcom 750 that I use in the passive mod. It work wonderful with my Cary 303/200 player, very detailed and very dynamic. It sounds much better passive than powered.
Has anyone tried the '102 with the Aesthetix Calypso? Also, how can you tell a "regular" '102 from a "Mk2" version?
Hello Tab110s,

YES. I have been using the Aesthetix Calypso with the Plinius 102 for over a year now. The two are an absolutely wonderful match. I have the Sony SCD-1 (with every Audiomod modification, Richard Kern available)as my front end Dunlavy IVa speakers. This system is extremely natural and wonderfully neutral. The highs are smooth and fully extended. The bass is deep and tightly focused. Midrange is magic, full rich and... U use NOS Mullard 12AX7 10M gold pins and Telefunken 6922's. Absolute perfection.

I wrote a review of the Calypso and Plinius so if you would like to talk further please write me and I will send you my phone number.
