Best Integrated for the Money

I am moving into a condo for a few months and am looking for a integrated to power my Aerial 10t's! anyone know of a great one for the $$$! Must have a little power for my speakers! I have owned all the krell stuff so I am looking for something new. Tubes or SS is fine!

Thanks for all the opinions! I might add that I will need a remote and I dont want to spend more than $3000.00 used! The DK design looks very nice! How many have used one of these? Thanks,
the mac integrateds have the juice and the flexibility to drive the 10t's in any room. very neutral ss, and they will let the aerial get the bass response they are capible of.
I've had several integrated amps over the years and currently like the Qinpu A-1.0x - their A-8000 is supposed to be even better sonically but does not have a remote volume. As far as American integrated amps go one of my favorites is the Rowland Concentra.