Quietest amp you ever owned ?

A few years ago I had the little Antique Sound Labs MG SI 15 DT integrated and was impressed how quiet it was; in other words with the amp on and no music playing it was dead quiet when I put my ear right up to the drivers on the speaker. I am curious what other amps out there are as dead quiet since most amps have a slight hum or hiss that can be heard when music is not playing. At the time I was using Coincident Conquest speakers which are pretty efficient.
A 1982 TRANS-NOVA TWIN 200 made by Acoustat; dead quiet at full volume. I don't use it anymore, but I still have it.
The new TRL D-225 dual mono amp is the quietest I have ever heard. No hum or hiss whatsoever.
TRL ST-225 Integrated. Dead quiet, no hiss, no hum.

Incredibly fast and dynamic, too.


The degree to which an amp will be perceived as quiet or noisy depends to a certain extent upon how efficient (or inefficient) the speakers it is used with are, e.g, a 92 db/watt efficient speaker will make upstream components sound noisier than an 86 db/watt efficient speaker. In fact, the noise level with highly efficient speakers, like horns or many single-driver speakers, can be intolerable unless partnering components are chosen with an eye toward their noise characteristics.