jrdg concerto vs nuforce 9.02

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
For starters, the Concerto is either a preamp or an integrated while the Nuforce 9 is monoblock power amps.
This one is easy. Have Nuforce send you the 9.02's so you can try them. I believe you can return them if you are disatisfied with the results. I highly doubt that will happen. They must be the 9.02's because they have made changes in the amp design.And while you are at it, might as well pick up the p-8 pre/amp there so called "entry level" pre. A little suggestion when you do get these, dont just plug them into a power conditioner and call it good. You need to try plugging these directly into the wall. These are extremely fast amps and the conditioner can slow them down and sound a little dark. The panamax I am using did not work well with these. Dont get me wrong, they still sounded very very good just not as good as going directly into my dedicated circuit. There are other power conditioners that will work, just not mine. There was a significant difference in presentation going directly into the wall, clarity sums it up. These amps will let you know if your other equipment is up to the task and wiring is a piece of equipment. Hopefully you like bass and have the room for it because it is going to be there in your face slammin you around. Do not compare these to most 160w amps, they play much stronger with little effort. They work great with my jm lab 936's. The bass in the 936's is tight and takes a powerful amp to drive them right. These do it easily and now the 936's shine.
Regarding the pre/amp. I do not own it yet but sources that can not be mentioned here are raving about it. They feel that it has been overbuilt for the price point by a large margin. You will hear about it soon enough. Good luck with your search.
At CES I found the Nuforce very impressive overall, but sounding a bit lean. It's difficult to not be amazed given the size and weight, but I felt that for my purpose I'd need a long break-in and trial period (which coincidentally they offer...).