jrdg concerto vs nuforce 9.02

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Art, possibly the type of cdp they were using could cause this. To my ears and stomach these are not lean at all. The bass goes right through you and is not muddy. To me the bass pitch is right on. They would work the best probably with a big single driver at 10" or better. I have two eights on the my 936's and they fill my room now which is pretty big 15'x30'x10' tall.
Bxxb, you might be waiting a while for that comparison to come along. Is there any way you can demo both on your system? And to make a true comparison you should use the p-8 pre with the 9.02's. You know both are going to be good but it is your ears that matter.
no i can't...
and i agree with you about Concentra..
..Do you know how much difference is there with the Concentra and Concerto?
The Concerto uses the ICE power amp modules, so it's more than just a normal evolution from the Concentra. I have the Rowland Concerto pre with the 201 monoblocks, which is effectively the Concerto intergrated. But have not heard the Concentra pre. I did listen to the Nuforce 8's vs. my Rowland 201s and preferred the Rowland. But the 9 may be a different story.

I have heard the Concerto, but not in my own system, so it is very hard to compare to my Concentra. I did do some research before buying my Concentra, and (predictably) found differing opinions. The people at JRDG believe that the Concerto is a big step forward, but of course (with due respect) they need to sell the new version in order to make money. Some of those who have heard both (including a couple of dealers with whom I spoke) don't believe that the sonic differences are great, and a couple actually preferred the sound of the earlier (Concentra) models.

Two things are certain: the Concerto is smaller and runs cooler (using "Ice Power" chips) than the Concentra.

I, like most other Concentra owners, am so happy with the amp that I simply can't imagine there being enough of a sonic difference to justify the added expenditure.
