Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
Please explain how the term "advanced technology" applies to your products, such as:

Pretzel Logic Reef Knot Device
Flying Saucers
Baby Promethean Mini Isolators
Brilliant Pebbles

I note how loquacious you normally are on the forums and how sparse -- to date -- your comments have been on this thread.
Sufficiently advanced marketing hyperbole is indistinguishable from self delusion.
IOW, pitchers and catchers are one and the same:) The Larry Shandling Show was great, wasn't it?
I like the flying saucer pic on the MD website. I might have been tempted to buy when I was 10 years old maybe, if any spare change from the sea monkeys.
So let's take a poll - Have you ever bid on a MD product? Even as low as a dollar. Better yet, do you own any MD products? Someone must be buying them. I admit to once bidding on something. Perhaps the pebbles? OK, I admit it. See - the sky didn't fall. However, I don't own any MD products. My loss, I guess.