PS audio hca 2 feedback...

I know this has received glowing reviews despite questionable any rate...any thoughts? I am looking for a more "modern" sound...speed,detail,transparency,etc....
Agree, with Kck and Richards. In my case, a particular asset is the HCA-2's indifference to the low impedance of my Maggie 1.6's. I use the HCA-2 with a tubed preamp with adjustable gain. The pre sounds best set to it's lowest gain, so the rather high gain of the HCA-2 is a benefit in this scenario. I had been rather frustrated with the 1.6's until I tried the HCA-2. It has proven to be an excellent performer, especially for the price. I did have some problems at first that required a trip back to the manufacturer and I have received excelllent, fast service/support.
Photon46, you reminded me that the HCA-2, against my 4 ohm speakers, succeeded in driving them with ease where nominally more powerful amps had shown weakness. One could do a lot worse for the money, well under $1K used. I can't imagine this amp would not benefit any moderate (under $5K total) system. Kudos to PSA for being one of the first to execute such a design with grace, style AND economy.
VALUE!!! While my HCA is no longer my primary amplifier, it's now powering my outdoor system. Decoupled the transformer from the chassis, Black Gate caps, and a beefy DIY shielded AC chord, made a considerable improvement. I wouldn't hesitate to suggest a used one and have the full RAM mods done.

I didn't experience any of the high or mid range issues mentioned above and I went from a tube preamp to solid state/battery. Upgrades in digital playback, phono cartridge, and speaker system, were clearly noticible using the HCA. At first the bass seemed only slightly thin until I compared it to a couple of amps that are famous for their bass reproduction and upgraded my preamp. I preferred the more precise rendition of the HCA, and I'm not calling it tight, rather much more accurate in timbre. While the other two had more of that flabby bass that many seem to enjoy, the HCA has the ability to start the note quicker than the others, IMO.

I agree & think the HCA-2 represents a tremendous value. With careful component matching as well as trying different interconnects, especially power cords, one can really bring this amp/your system to its full glorious potential, your efforts will pay off! Finally the HCA-2 should be tried in its true balanced mode, taking what already is a very good amp to even higher levels of sound reproduction. Currently I have no desire to look any further than this amp, no wonder Stereophile magazine gave this amp a class "A" recommendation!
Some of the review pointed out that the self noise level is high. And wondering if lower self noise level would bring out more magic out of this amp. Any comments on this? Thanks...