Suggestions for a budget amp

Well, im thinking about upgrading my system (just started out and am still in high school so my budget is a major constraint). Basically im trying to build a sterio system that will last me until im out of college and have a "real" job. My current system includes NHT-SB3 speakers, Onkyo TX-8211 sterio reciever a sony CDP-CE275 cd changer, Furmann Q-2312 EQ, and blue-jeans cabling. Its my opinion that the Onkyo is what holds the system back the most at this point so im looking to replace it and fight the upgrade bug until i can afford it. I've looked at the Rotell RA-02 and the Nad C320Bee (the Nad is my favorite so far) but need more ideas (there HAVE to be more budget amps out there, right?). I also shopped around Yamaha's and Onkyo's sites, but their higher end stuff just adds more features, not much by the way of sound quality (from what i could tell by specs... may be wrong). Im looking for something that i can upgrade in stages down the line (i.e. unplugging the power amp section of a preamp and using a beefier seperate, or bi-amping... something like that). I dont need much power since ill be in dorm rooms or crowded appartments for the near future and even in my fair sized room now i rarely turn my 40 wpc Onkyo above 9:00 and its never been over 12:00. I listen to everything from Mozart to Metallica, except rap and pop. Even put in some country every now and then (I think its a law here in Texas ;-)
Thanks for your help,
Here's a completely different perspective. Everything in college is about one thing: helping you get laid. :-) So go for some tubes (Cayin, Antique Sound Lab, etc) that will give the dorm room a romantic glow to impress the ladies that you lure into your lair. In addition to good sound, the female types will decide that you're sensitive and romantical and all that kind of stuff and will therefore beat a path to your door. Have fun.
"Some NAD gear is really Onkyo guts on the inside" -Steuspeed

I have no idea in what sense this is true, and I am skeptical. Could you please be specific? Of course some parts may be identical (though I am sure the power supplies are not, not by a long shot), but the designs? I don't think so. Mind you I'm not knocking Onkyo. I also owned an Onkyo receiver when I was 17 or so, and was happy with it then. But I would not think to compare it sonically to NAD's 320 BEE.
Surprisingly the NAD sounds alot like the Creek 4330...a little dry, but decent transparency and articulate bass reproduction...both are not going to win any beauty contests..."Onkyo guts on the inside" that comment!
Try getting a vintage luxman R115 receiver on ebay from a high feedback seller. You will get 70+watts/ch into 8 ohms (stable to 4ohms or less) and can use the CD bypass switch to run your CD directly to the amp. It should cost you $100-150 with a remote and you can always resell it. At this price you really can't lose.
In the 90's NAD needed AV receivers and multi-disc CD players to compete with the big boys from Japan. They sourced the base units from Onkyo and modified them to match the NAD line. Button layouts, displays and remotes are all tell tale signs. I am not sure if this is still true for current gear, but they have done business together in the past. My point is that if he owns Onkyo, NAD might be esentially the same thing with some slight modifications.

This is not an uncommon practice as Marantz gear is Pioneer ELITE with modified cosmetics and audio stages. Runco uses Pioneer and Panasonic plasma glass with their video scalers etc...