best ? ss integrated for Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE

Any suggestions for a good solid state integrated amp match with a pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE speakers ? I can budget around $1000. I don't like the sound of NAD stuff.... too dry and sterile for me.
I love my Dynaudios but put a pair of Von Schweikert VR-1s in a smaller room just for 2 channel listening. I put a Creek 5350SE with them and love the sound. Used it is under a grand. I don't think it has a "sound" at all, the music just comes through. Another option I had recommended to me was Quad, but never got the chance to listen to it.
Suggest you raise your budget to at least $1500 if you want those puppies to sing. As a start, consider picking up a good deal on a DK Design MkII maybe?
I'd be interested in the comments of others, but IMHO, me thinketh the 1.3se's needeth better amplification than $1000 will buy.
Good luck!
I also enjoyed the Creek 5350SE with dynaudio, I used it with my Dynaudio 52SE and it was a great pair. Some think the Creek is a little thin but I suspect that impression came from creek that had not fully broken in as mine really came to life with about 200hrs in it. Very detailed, wonderfull tight base and great warmth. I used it for a couple on months when I upgraded to dynaudio Special 25's and the Creek had no trouble with them. The 25's do sound better with VTL and Belles seperates however, but I do not think that these were in your price range. I have recently upgraded to belles seperates but they are breaking in so I will reserve comment. I have also heard the VTL IT85 integrated with Dynaudio and it might be a good match used.
I owned the 1.3s for 5 years and I agree with the above comment that you may be hard pressed to properly match them on a 1 to 1.5K budget. I don't think they're as efficent as the new lineup from Dynaduio and I feel they need a lot of current to really sound like they should. If possible I hope you can demo the intergrated before buying. Good luck